Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008


Basketball tanpa Batas Wilayah

Honda DBL 2009 Bakal Kunjungi 16 Kota, 15 Provinsi

SURABAYA – Kompetisi basket pelajar terbesar di Indonesia, DetEksi Basketball League (DBL), tahun depan bakal mengunjungi lebih banyak provinsi. Bersama Astra Honda Motor sebagai partner utama, Honda DBL 2009 akan diselenggarakan di 16 kota, di 15 provinsi di Indonesia.

Pada musim 2008 lalu, kompetisi ini sudah berlangsung di Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, DI Jogjakarta, Riau, Sumatera Selatan, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Selatan, dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Mulai tahun depan, akan bertambah di Bali, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Jawa Barat, dan –yang paling jauh-- Papua.

”Pertandingan pertama Honda DBL 2009 akan diselenggarakan di Jayapura, Januari mendatang,” kata Azrul Ananda, commissioner DBL, saat launching Honda DBL 2009 di Atrium DBL Arena Surabaya, kemarin.

Dengan memperluas wilayah sampai ke Papua, Azrul menjelaskan bahwa DBL ingin menjadi liga yang tidak mengenal batasan wilayah. Mengembangkan basket, khususnya konsep student athlete, ke berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Apalagi, selama ini, nyaris tidak ada kompetisi basket besar yang mau melakukan hal serupa.

”NBA punya program Basketball without Borders. Kami berharap DBL bisa jadi Basketball without Borders-nya Indonesia. Mengembangkan basket tanpa melihat batas wilayah. Bagi kami, semua wilayah di Indonesia sama pentingnya. Tidak hanya kota-kota besar saja,” jelas Azrul.
Misi ke depan, DBL akan diselenggarakan di semua provinsi di Indonesia. ”Tapi harus step by step. Kami tetap menjaga agar pertumbuhan liga kami sustainable. Percuma langsung besar kalau setelah itu mengecil atau hilang,” tandas Azrul.

Kalau ditanya mengapa belum menyelenggarakan DBL di Jakarta sebagai kota terbesar, Azrul balik bertanya. ”Mengapa harus di Jakarta? Di sana kan sudah banyak sekali kompetisi. Daerah-daerah sekarang jauh lebih membutuhkan,” ujarnya.

Misi ini mendapat dukungan penuh dari Honda, yang sudah menjadi partner utama sejak musim 2008 lalu. ”DBL 2008 yang diadakan di 11 kota sudah sukses luar biasa. Honda sebagai sponsor ikut menikmati hasilnya,” ungkap Senior Manager Promotion and Network Development Astra Honda Motor, Judhy Goutama. ”Hebatnya, DBL juga dapat membuat Surabaya jadi pusat kegiatan internasional sekelas NBA. Namun, dengan tetap memperhatikan potensi daerah seperti Papua yang sering dilupakan,” imbuh Judhy.

DBL memang merupakan liga basket pertama di Indonesia yang bekerja sama dengan NBA. Pada Agustus 2008 lalu, DBL menjadi penyelenggara even resmi pertama liga paling bergengsi itu di Indonesia. Bintang Indiana Pacers, Danny Granger, bertemu dan berlatih bersama para champion Honda DBL 2008.

Tahun depan, kerja sama DBL dan NBA itu bakal ditingkatkan lagi. Pada Agustus mendatang, setelah tur Honda DBL 2009 ke 16 kota berakhir, DBL dan NBA akan menyelenggarakan Indonesia Development Camp yang pertama.

Camp untuk 2009 akan berlangsung tiga hari penuh. Di camp tersebut, pemain-pemain dan pelatih terbaik DBL akan mendapat materi dari pemain dan dua orang pelatih NBA,” ujar Victor Chu, director of business development NBA Asia, yang kemarin hadir di acara launching.

Peningkatan kerja sama juga dilakukan DBL dengan pemerintah Australia. Pada Oktober 2008 lalu, DBL mengirimkan tim All-Star-nya, putra dan putri, untuk belajar dan bertanding di Perth, Western Australia. Tahun depan, akan ada kunjungan balasan.

”Kami telah mendapat persetujuan dari Australia untuk mengirim tim muda Western Australia ke Indonesia, bertanding melawan tim All-Star DBL,” ungkap Martin Newbery, regional director Indonesia trade office government of Western Australia.

Sejumlah pemain dan pelatih yang bertanding di DBL 2008 kemarin juga hadir saat launching. Salah satunya Stefilia Anindita, pemain SMA Ciputra Surabaya yang Oktober lalu terpilih ikut ke Perth.

”DBL itu bukan cuma ngasih kesempatan kami untuk main basket. DBL juga ngasih banyak kenangan dan pelajaran. Sayangnya, aku sudah kelas tiga dan nggak bisa ikut DBL lagi. Kalau seandainya bisa, rasanya, aku nggak pengin lepas dari DBL,” katanya.

Pada launching kemarin, DBL memberikan penghargaan kepada semua partner. Honda DBL 2009 juga akan didukung oleh Relaxa sebagai DBL official candy, League sebagai DBL official sportswear, Proteam sebagai DBL official game ball, serta NBA dan pemerintah Australia sebagai DBL development partner. (hil/puz/azz)

Honda DBL 2009
16 Kota, 15 Provinsi

Bandar Lampung

Sumber : Diteksibasketball.com


Obama Tantang Palin Main Basket

Washington, Persaingan antara kubu Obama-Biden dan McCain-Palin menuju Gedung Putih makin panas. Barack Obama menantang cawapres dari Partai Republik Sarah Palin bertanding satu lawan satu. Tapi tantangan satu lawan satu ini ternyata untuk bertanding bola basket.

“Dia kelihatannya cukup jago bermain basket, ia kan pernah bermain basket waktu di SMA dulu,” ujar Obama menanggapi bakat Palin dalam bermain bola basket yang disiarkan ABC dalam program 'This Week', seperti dikutip dari AFP, Minggu (7/8/2008).

Obama berkelakar ia tidak akan mampu mengalahkan Sarah Palin menembak. Namun ia bisa mengalahkan Palin bermain basket.

“Mungkin ia menembak lebih baik daripada saya, tapi di lapangan basket, saya lebih baik daripadanya,” canda Obama.

Palin yang berusia 44 tahun ini sempat dijuluki “Sarah Barracuda” karena kehebatannya bermain basket di SMA dulu. Gubernur Alaska ini juga dikenal sebagai penembak dan pemburu yang baik.

Sumber: Hermawan.Net
Member of Hermawan Network


Evaluasi Team USA Usai Uji Coba di Makau
Lawan Tak Punya Peluang

Semakin dekat ke Olimpiade Beijing, semakin mantap peluang Team USA untuk merebut kembali medali emas. Setelah menghancurkan Turki dan Lithuania di Makau, lawan-lawan Dream Team pun disebut tidak akan punya peluang.

Ulasan Azrul Ananda

Team USA hanya punya satu target di Olimpiade Beijing nanti: Merebut kembali medali emas. Setelah malu hanya meraih perunggu di Athena, tim 2008 ini bukan hanya dijuluki sebagai Dream Team. Mereka juga diberi sebutan "Redeem Team" (tim pembalasan).

Tiga tahun lamanya tim ini dibangun. Setelah malu di Kejuaraan Dunia 2002 dan Olimpiade Athena 2004, USA Basketball pun menyusun pola kerja baru. Pola kumpulan All-Star NBA tidak lagi cukup. Para pemain diminta punya komitmen jangka panjang, dipandu oleh susunan pelatih yang juga punya komitmen jangka panjang.

Pada akhir 2005, Jerry Colangelo ditunjuk sebagai manajer, lantas menunjuk Mike Krzyzewski sebagai pelatih, dibantu asisten Mike D'Antoni, Nate McMillan, dan Jim Boeheim. Mereka lantas mendapatkan komitmen dari 30-an pemain NBA pilihan, yang harus siap dipanggil bila dibutuhkan.

Pada Kejuaraan Dunia 2006 di Tokyo, hasilnya sudah membaik. Hanya punya rekor 6-3 pada 2002 dan 5-3 pada 2004, tim ini mampu meraih rekor 8-1 di Tokyo. Sayang, satu-satunya kekalahan itu terjadi di semifinal, di tangan Yunani. Mereka pun gagal menjadi juara dunia.

Meski gagal, susunan tim itu tidak banyak dirombak. Toh, pasukan 2006 itu juga relatif muda. Dibentuk dari fondasi bintang muda NBA, yaitu LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Dwight Howard, dan Dwyane Wade.

Pada 2007 lalu, tim ini menambahkan dua pemain kunci. Mereka menarik lagi veteran Jason Kidd untuk memimpin para anak muda. Kemudian, yang terpenting, mereka akhirnya mampu mendapatkan komitmen dari pemain terbaik di dunia, Kobe Bryant. Ditambah dengan barisan muda yang semakin matang, tim ini pun makin menyeramkan.

Susunan baru ini mulai menunjukkan taring pada pertengahan 2007, dalam turnamen kualifikasi Olimpiade Beijing, FIBA Americas. Tanpa ampun, Team USA menghajar habis lawan-lawannya, meraih rekor 10-0.

Tim ini disebut-sebut sebagai Team USA terbaik sejak 1992, saat pemain NBA untuk kali pertama boleh ikut Olimpiade. Tapi, untuk membuktikan perbandingan itu, Team USA harus mampu meraih emas dulu. Dan mereka harus melakukannya tanpa terkalahkan.

Mampukah? Kalau mendengar komentar-komentar di Macau, mungkin iya. "Mereka punya teknik yang baik, semangat yang baik, dan secara defense jauh lebih baik dari tim Kejuaraan Dunia dua tahun lalu," kata Bogdan Tanjevic, pelatih Turki. "Mereka juga dalam kondisi fisik yang lebih baik. Plus, yang terpenting, mereka sekarang memakai team system, bukan star system," tambahnya.

Para pemain Team USA memang tahu betul pentingnya fungsi tim ini. Meski masing-masing adalah superstar, mereka tidak main sendiri-sendiri di lapangan. Kadang, memang mereka terlihat ingin pamer kemampuan. Tapi secara keseluruhan mereka mau berbagi bola.

Krzyzewski tak henti-hentinya memuji pasukan Team USA. Bukan sekadar permainan, tapi juga faktor nonteknis. "Antusiasme mereka luar biasa," tegasnya.

Sekarang, tinggal bagaimana Team USA menjaga kekompakan dan semangat ini. Kalau mampu terus begini, dan terus menang pada dua uji coba lanjutan melawan Rusia dan Australia di Shanghai, lawan tak akan punya peluang.

Seperti yang disampaikan Bogdan Tanjevic, ketika ditanya saran apa yang bisa diberikan kepada Tiongkok, lawan pertama Team USA di Olimpiade Beijing nanti.

"Tiongkok punya banyak pemain tinggi. Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi, dan Yi Jianlian. Tapi untuk melawan USA, mereka harus bermain istimewa selama 40 menit penuh. Dan itu tidaklah mungkin terjadi. Setelah 20-25 menit mereka pasti akan melemah. Saya tak melihat Tiongkok punya peluang," paparnya.

Sebagai penegas: Lithuania adalah salah satu favorit peraih medali di Beijing. Di Makau, Sarunas Jasikevicious dkk dihajar lebih parah dari Turki, 120-84. Kalau Lithuania masih favorit, entah seperti apa peluang yang lain.

Seperti yang diucapkan Kobe Bryant usai menggilas Lithuania: "Kalau kami beruntung, kami akan bertemu mereka lagi (Lithuania, Red) untuk berebut emas di final nanti." (*)
Sumber : www.deteksibasketball.com


Bola Basket
Cabang olahraga bola basket Indonesia pernah berjaya di era 70-an. Namun hingga saat ini belum ada tanda akan bangkit lagi. Sementara dinamika kehidupan olahraga berkembang kian kompleks. Olahraga dijadikan Entertainment (hiburan) telah menjadi kultur zaman sekarang. Tindakan itu dapat menafikan prestasi jika tidak dikontrol oleh sistem yang berbasis pemahaman ilmu.

Sebagai hiburan, olahraga memang dapat menghasilkan dana secara cepat, imbalannya mengeksploitasi. Perubahan mentalitas yang diakibatkannya berdampak merugikan pembinaan. Godaan jalan pintas membuat ruang pengembangan prestasi berkurang. Hiburan yang dianggap ingkar prestasi ini membuat hampir semua pelatih kampus (college coach) di AS tak sepaham dengan pelatih (coach) di NBA (liga basket profesional AS).

Negara lain yang memiliki masalah sama adalah Filipina. Terfokus pada olahraga menghibur, malah basket di sana menimbulkan masalah internal. Kepelatihan yang mengunggulkan permainan menghibur, entah kapan dapat mengangkat Filipina ke tingkat yang sama seperti Korea dan Jepang. Jika ukurannya basket kita (Indonesia), rasanya jelas belum saatnya diindustrikan sebelum pembinaan di bawahnya dibenahi. Namun, pembinaan membutuhkan manajemen yang baik. Bila membereskan kasus saja tidak sanggup, bagaimana membina?

Kasus wasit Budi Marfan adalah contohnya.Kasus yang berkaitan erat dengan kebuntuan prestasi itu berawal dari pernyataan tiba-tiba koordinator wasit yang mempermalukan wasit Budi Marfan dipertemuan wasit tanggal 17 September 2006 Riau untuk menghadapi pertadingan final IBL (Indonesian Basketball League ) 2006 yang lalu bahwa wasit Budi tidak disenangi klub IBL, maka diputuskan tidak diberi tugas. Namun persoalan yang merugikan nama baik wasit Budi ini berlanjut karena tidak menjelaskan klub yang mana, maupun sebab-sebabnya.

Setelah berusaha wasit Budi berhasil menemukan pelatih sebuah klub IBL yang mengaku telah menyatakan kepada koordinator wasit tidak suka Budi memimpin pertandingannya dengan alasan, keputusan Budi sering merugikan pihaknya, wasit Budi sangat kecewa dan merasa percuma karier wasit ini kerena harus menerima kenyataan bahwa yang dikhawatirkan selama ini tak disangka dapat benar-benar terjadi semudah itu dibelakangnya.

Pasalnya, bila ada klub peserta dapat semudah itu menolak wasit bertugas, sama dengan memberi kesempatan buat mereka untuk "memesan" wasit sesuai keinginannya. Konotasinya, menimbulkan keberpihakan wasit di pertandingan. Budi sering dipuji sebagai wait terbaik, dan kerap dipercaya menangani tough games ketika tiada satupun yang sanggup jadi wait kepala. Bahkan dia jadi teladan untuk ditiru, sesungguhnya tak ada pengurus yang mengerti dimana kelebihannya. Bagaimana cara menyimpulkan peringkat Budi kalah dari wasit lain.

Uji kemampuan wasit harus melalui evaluasi. Tetapi, mengevaluasi wasit harus berdasarkan Diktum klinik dan interaktif. Perwasitan yang vital ini positif mendukung dalam membangun prestasi, dapat menjadi negatif bila tidak paham menerapkannya, apalagi disalahgunakan. Kasus ini mengisyaratkan bahwa manajemen gaya lama sudah tidak sesuai untuk ukuran masa kini. Jika membahas masalah wasit saja tidak pernah dapat menyentuh pokok persoalan, bagaimana mengevaluasi pelatih? Peraturan Pendidikan yang dibuat dapat dipastikan tidak beraspek kepelatihan.


Tujuan Evaluasi wasit bukan hanya soal wasit meski menjadi objeknya. Minimal menjaga komitmen yang mengikat wasit, pelatih dan koordinator wasit. Permainan buruk (Bad play) akibat dari bad officiating yang terus dibiarkan, malah menanamkan persepsi keliru pada pelatih, pemain hingga penonton. Pelatih mengajarkan teknik bermain yang menyalahi peraturan. Menganggap latihan beban paling penting. Dikira kekuatan dan bobot lebih penting dari pada kecepatan dan skill. Bagaimana basket ini punya masa depan bila kepelatihan seperti itu yang berkembang?

Meniru gaya NBA yang melarang pelatih, atau pemain berekspresi di pertandingan selevel IBL adalah ngawur. Sungguh ngawur menganjurkan aturan pelatih dilarang protes di pertandingan yang dikira lantas dapat menghindar dari resiko kemelut. Apakah memang mau menyaksikan pelatih-pelatih ini tampil bisu tak berdaya di panggung Internasional ketika timnya dirugikan?

Sumber : Herman Kintono Pengamat Olahraga Bola Basket nasional


Maap masih dalam proses


Maaf masih dalam proses



Rebound adalah suatu istilah dalam permainan bola basket dimana seorang pemain menangkap atau mendapatkan bola pantul yang tidak berhasil masuk yang ditembakkan oleh pemain lain. Pebasket yang melakukan Rebound kebanyakan adalah yang berada posisi Center (tengah) dan Power Forward. Karena rebound lebih efektif untuk orang yang bertubuh lebih tinggi dan yang lebih dekat dengan ring basket.

Jenis Rebound
Rebound terbagi menjadi 2 jenis, yaitu: Offensive Rebound dan Defensive Rebound. Offensive Rebound terjadi jika pemain mendapatkan bola pantul yang tidak masuk yang ditembak oleh teman, sedangkan Defensive Rebound terjadi jika pemain mendapatkan bola pantul yang tidak berhasil masuk yang ditembak oleh pihak lawan. Biasanya Defensive Rebound lebih banyak dibanding Offensive Rebound dalam suatu pertandingan dikarenakan pebasket itu lebih dekat dengan ring basket dibanding pihak lawan.

Istilah tambahan
Keseluruhan jumlah rebound dalam satu tim selama satu pertandingan disebut Team Rebound, dan rata-rata jumlah rebound yang dilakukan seorang pemain setiap pertandingan disebut RPG (Rebound Per Game).

Beberapa orang yang terkenal akan rebound (NBA)
Wilt Chamberlain; memimpin perolehan rebound di NBA pada 11 musim berbeda. Jumlah total rebound pada musim regular adalah 23.924, rata-rata rebound per pertandingan adalah 22,9.
Dennis Rodman; memimpin rata-rata rebound pada musim 1991-1992 dengan angka 18,7 per pertandingan.
Bill Russell; pemain pertama di NBA yang berhasil membuat rata-rata rebound diatas angka 20,0 dalam satu musim.
Bob Pettit; membuat rata-rata 20,3 rebound per pertandingan pada musim 1960-1961
Moses Malone
Jerry Lucas
Nate Thurmond


Assist adalah suatu istilah dalam permainan bola basket dimana seorang pemain mengoper bola kepada temannya, dan pemain yang mendapat bola operan dari temannya itu tanpa mendribble (memantulkan bola ke tanah) langsung melempar atau memasukkan bola kedalam jaring basket (bola yang tidak masuk tidak dihitung). Orang yang mengoper bola kepada temannya itu berarti sedang melakukan assist, atau bisa disebut juga tukang assist bola. Assist biasa dilakukan oleh pemain dengan posisi Guard (penjaga) kepada pemain posisi lainnya, karena mereka lebih banyak menguasai/mendribble bola dan menjalankan strategi tim pada pertandingan. Assist dibagi dua yaitu; Assist pantul dan Assist langsung. Assist pantul berarti operan bolanya ke teman dengan cara memantulkan ke tanah, sedang Assist langsung berarti tanpa memantulkan bola. Sekilas Assist dan operan memang mirip, hanya saja Assist berhubungan dengan lemparan bola masuk tanpa dribble.

Pemain NBA yang terkenal akan assist
John Stockton; memimpin jumlah assist di sejarah NBA dengan total 15.806
Magic Johnson
Oscar Robertson
Bob Cousy


Blok dalam basket adalah suatu istilah dimana seorang pemain bertahan melakukan lompatan dan berhasil menghalang/menahan bola yang sedang dilempar oleh pihak lawan atau penyerang, sehingga bola tidak berhasil melaju dan masuk kedalam ring. Pemain bertahan tidak diperbolehkan menyentuh tangan pihak lawan yang sedang melempar bola, jika tersentuh maka akan terjadi pelanggaran. Blok dapat dilakukan dengan satu tangan ataupun kedua tangan. Beberapa pebasket yang terkenal akan blok-nya adalah Dikembe Mutombo, Shaquille O`Neil, Alonzo Mourning, Ben Wallace, Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Mark Eaton, Manute Bol, Hakeem Olajuwon, dan David Robinson

Rekor blok di NBA
Blok terbanyak dalam 1 permainan: Elmore Smith (17)
Blok terbanyak dalam 1 musim: Mark Eaton (456)
Blok terbanyak dalam karirnya: Hakeem Olajuwon (3.830)


Steal dalam basket adalah suatu istilah dimana seorang pemain bertahan berhasil merebut bola yang sedang dipegang, dioper atau didribble pihak lawan, tetapi tidak menyentuh tangan lawan atau akan dinyatakan sebagai pelanggaran. Posisi pebasket yang paling sering melakukan steal adalah Small Forward. Beberapa pebasket yang terkenal akan kemampuan stealnya di NBA adalah Scottie Pippen, Robert Horry, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, John Stockton, dan Allen Iverson


Slam dunk (atau biasa hanya disebut Dunk) adalah suatu gaya didalam permainan olahraga bola basket, seorang pemain berusaha memasukkan bola ke dalam keranjang dimana muka telapak tangan menyentuh besi pada ring basket (satu atau dua tangan) setelah bola melewati tinggi dari ring besi basket.

Jenis-jenis Slam dunk
Walking in the air; atau biasa hanya disebut "air"; suatu teknik dunk dengan melompat jauh dan tinggi, sehingga sepintas terlihat seperti sedang berjalan diudara.
Ally-ops; suatu jenis dunk dimana teman satu tim mengoper bola kepada seorang pemain yang sedang melompat. Disaat melompat, pemain itu menangkap bola operan temannya dan langsung melakukan Slam dunk.
360 degree dunk; suatu dunk yang dilakukan dengan memutar badan sebanyak 360 derajat
Tip dunk; suatu jenis dunk dimana teman satu tim melempar bola tetapi tidak masuk, dan kemudian pemain melompat dan menangkap bola pantul (rebound) yang tidak masuk itu yang disambung dengan Slam dunk sebelum kaki turun menginjak tanah.
Back-dunk; dunk ini dilakukan dengan badan menghadap kebelakang
Cross over dunk; suatu jenis dunk aksi, tangan yang satu mengoper bola ke tangan yang lain melewati selangkang kaki dan kemudian melakukan dunk.


One-On-One Basketball Moves

Outside Live-Ball Moves

Many times you will receive a pass on the court and find that, although you are guarded, you are the closest one to the basket. It's now up to you to make a move with the ball so you can get off your shot. This is where you get to add your personal offensive touch. Being able to execute more than one of the following individual moves with the ball will greatly help you get free for your shot. Practice them when you're alone, using different fakes and varied speeds.

When you practice these moves, be sure that you turn, face the basket, and assume proper basketball position: your feet a shoulder's width apart and pointed toward the basket, your knees are flexed, and your shoulders are facing the basket. If you are right handed, keep the ball on your right side. If you are left handed, keep it on your left side.

The Drive

The drive, a quick move past the defender toward the hoop, is one of the most basic of all offensive basketball moves. If you are able to drive well, then you can get past your man and successfully penetrate the defense. Once you are close to the hoop you can then go for the shot yourself, possibly getting fouled; or, you can dish off to a teammate who can get an uncontested lay-up or a short- range jump shot.

Don't overuse the drive. What happens in a game when you continually look for the drive is that your defensive man automatically starts to back up once you have the ball. He knows what you want to do. By backing off, he denies you the first step to the hoop. This takes away any advantage that you had over him with the drive.

When this happens, a player has to bring out the best offensive weapon there is to get the drive back: the OUTSIDE shot. If the defense is laying off you to keep you from driving, then go for your jumper. After you make two or three of them, the defense will be forced to move back in close to keep you honest. Then you got your man right where you want him. He's more vulnerable than ever to your quickness, and you can use your drive again.

Sidney Moncrief says, "When I receive the ball I can set my man up for a drive by using ball, shoulder, or head fakes. Depending on the position of my defender, I can also fake a jump shot, get my man in the air, and go around him."

Montcrief goes on to say this about the mechanics of the drive. "When my man does go for one of my fakes, I push off my pivot foot, take a long quick first step toward the hoop, as I put the ball down hard on the floor just past the hip of the defender. When the ball is put down, I lift my pivot foot, push past the defender's shoulder and go for the hoop."

It's important to protect the ball with your body when you are driving. Do this by turning your trunk as much as possible to prevent any steals. For a drive to the basket, quickness and control are great assets to have. Practice your drive like this:

  1. Face up and be square with the basket. Keep low, knees flexed, and in a good basketball offensive position.
  2. With the ball in your hands, work on pushing off on your back foot and taking that first long step to the hoop.
  3. Put the ball down hard on the floor, before you pick up your pivot foot.

Do this often. Once this first quick step starts to come naturally, you are on your way to becoming a dangerous driver. When you do commit yourself to going up for the shot, after the drive, concentrate on making the shot. It's going to be congested as you move to the hoop. Other players will pop out to pick you up. Concentrate on making the shot! Look to pass only if you can't get your shot off, or if you can spot a teammate in a better scoring position.

The Jab Step

The jab step is a common foot fake which, depending on the defensive player's reaction, is used to set up either a drive or a jump shot. To perform the jab step do the following:
  1. Keep the ball in your hands at waist level or near your hips and establish proper basketball position.
  2. Take a short, hard step (10 inches or less) toward the defensive man. At the same time, fake the dribble by bringing the ball down outside your knee.
  3. Pause slightly to see the reaction of the defensive player.
  4. If the defender lunges toward you, quickly take a longer step with the same foot and simultaneously push the ball out and drive right around his hip. (To get this move down in your mind, think of it as a one-two count move with a split second stop in the middle.


    When you make the jab step move and your defensive player plays you for the drive (he backs up and blocks your path), your next offensive possibility is to take a jump shot. You can do this by first, pulling back your lead foot and then going up for the shot.

    It's important when you are going to make a jab step that your first step not be too long. Secondly, remember to keep in a crouched position with your knees bent. This coiled position assures you enough power to make the drive or jump shot.

The Rocker Step

The rocker step is a quick head-and-shoulder fake you can use to set up a drive. It begins just like the jab step. Do the rocker step as follows:
  1. Keep the ball in your hands at waist level or near your hips and establish proper basketball position.
  2. Take a short, hard step (10 inches or less) toward the defensive man. At the same time, fake the dribble by bringing the ball down outside your knee.
  3. Once you see he hasn't been fooled, pull back to your original position.
  4. When your defensive man moves toward you again, drive past him, using the same jab foot (think of this as a three-count move : jab step; rock back to your original position; powerful step and strong dribble past the hip of your defensive man.

The Rocker Step, Shot Fake, And Drive

This move is an elaboration upon both the previous moves. Perform it as follows:
  1. Keep the ball in your hands at waist level or near your hips and establish proper basketball position.
  2. Take a short, hard step (10 inches or less) toward the defensive man. At the same time, fake the dribble by bringing the ball down outside your knee.
  3. Once you see he hasn't been fooled, pull back to your original position.
  4. Fake a jump shot with your arms and ball by bringing the ball up to the level of your head as you would in the first phase of the jump shot.
  5. Once your defender is taken in by your fake and moves toward you to block your jump shot, make an explosive drive and go right around him.

As with all these individual moves, it's important to maintain a crouched position when you make your fakes and when you go around your defender. If you straighten up, you will lose the power and quickness which makes these moves so effective.

The Crossover Step

Often the defensive player will overplay you to your strong side. In this case, the crossover step and the ability to dribble equally well with either hand will help you out of this defensive overplay.

To make this crossover step to the left, take the following steps:

  1. Make a short hard jab step in the direction of the defensive player with your right foot.
  2. Keep low and with the same leg, take a long step, crossing it over the outside of the defender's right foot.
  3. Swing the ball very quickly from your right side to your left side as you make the leg move, cutting closely off the defender's shoulder.
  4. Push the ball out behind the defender with your left hand, making sure it goes past his hip.

Reverse the above steps if you are being overplayed to the other side. In that case, you would be doing a crossover step to the right.

Dead-Ball Moves

Many times you will encounter situations in a game when you have already picked up your dribble and your defensive man is standing right in front of you preventing you from getting off a shot or passing the ball. It is just for cases like this that you need to have some dead-ball moves. Naturally, you can use these moves away from the basket, but they are more effective when you make them not far from the hoop, either in or close by the lane.

The Shot Fake And Jump Shot

To execute this move, do the following:
  1. Start with a one-count stop. Bring the ball up toward your head to give the defensive man the impression that you are going to take a jump shot. He will lunge toward you at this moment.
  2. Crouch down with your legs to gather your strength.
  3. Go up with your jump shot just as your defensive man moves into you. Go up strong! Bump him a little with your shoulder, or forearm to prevent him from blocking your shot. Often your man will foul you and you get a three-point play out of the move.


This is another power move that will help get you past your defender after you have given up your dribble. Do the following to execute the move:
  1. Make a one-count stop.
  2. Make a crossover step.
  3. Go past your defender and shoot a lay-up.

Since this is a power move, making the shot will depend a lot on getting jumping power and positioning from your lower body. Be prepared to be fouled as you go to the hoop. Protect the ball from your man with the elbow as you go up.

Step-Through Move

To execute this move do the following:
  1. Come to a one-count stop.
  2. fake a jump shot.
  3. If you want to go to the left, take a quick step to the side of the defender with your right foot. Protect the ball as you go toward the hoop.

Inside Moves With and Without the Ball

It's a necessity in winning basketball that a team have players with good, solid inside moves. These are the player (and not just the center), who can post their man, receive a pass in the paint, or down low "in traffic" and then turn it into a high- percentage shot and a possible three-point play.

The more players a team has like this, the better off it will be. A team that can rely on good inside movement for many of its points has these positive factors working in its favor:

  1. It can count on getting most of its points from shots taken only a few feet away from the hoop instead of having to depend on long-range jump shots.
  2. Three-point plays, (a field goal and a foul shot), occur more frequently "in the paint."
  3. Strong continuous offensive play underneath the basket and the resulting personal fouls committed by the defense will quickly change the complexion of any game.
  4. A player with good inside moves will cause the defense to double up and help out to keep him from scoring. This defensive maneuvering often results in freeing offensive forwards and guards for their outside shots.

Make Yourself Bigger

To play down low you have to make yourself bigger. You do this by setting yourself up with an exaggerated basketball stance.

Spread your feet wider than shoulder's width. Make sure your elbows are flared and your hands are up. What this big stance does for you is help keep your defensive man from stepping around you or reaching over your back to either steal or knock the ball away.

When fighting for position down low, the most important thing to do is to present yourself as a good target for your teammates. With so many players cutting in and out of the low-post area, this is often difficult.

Your own defender will be doing his best to get in front of you and cut off any passes, and any other defender coming through the low-post area will throw out his hand if it looks like he can steal an incoming pass.

Keep your man behind you at all times by continually maneuvering in front of him, blocking him with your upper arm, while at the same time presenting a target for a pass with your other arm held high. It's extremely important to have contact with the body of your defender so you can always know where he is and what type of move you can try to make.

To work successfully in the low post or in the lane, it will take a coordinated effort between the passer and you to finally get you the ball.

Reading The Defense

In the early part of every basketball game it becomes obvious how they intend to play the post man. Every post player should become aware of this fact.

As the ball is brought up court, the post man should line up on the high side of the box (rectangle along the foul lane). The post man should face into the lane. This simple maneuver, (facing the lane), causes many problems for the defender. Generally, a defensive man is not accustomed to see the man he is guarding squarely facing him and staring him in the eye. In such a position, the defensive man feels mighty foolish playing in front of the offensive man.

As the ball is brought into the wing area (free throw line, extended), the post man's first step should be toward the baseline to drive the man down. Then, he pivots into the defender to seal him off. The pivot must be executed properly ... knees flexed, hips lowered, feet spread wider than shoulder's width, arms up with elbows out, taking up a lot of space on the court.

Now is the time to note how your defender is playing you. Generally, each team will establish a certain pattern on guarding the post man. Usually, after two or three times down the court, the coach can see the trend. This is one of the first thing every good coach looks for from the bench. An intelligent post player determines this, too. He should call this to the coach's attention at an early time out. If a post man can come over to the bench and say, confidently and correctly, "They are fronting me when I'm low and siding me to the baseline side, when I'm high." Or, "They are playing directly behind me at all times." Then, you are well on your way toward being a good pivot man.

When the ball is thrown to the forward at a wing position, below the free throw line, and the defensive post man is playing on the low side (baseline side), the next possession the post man should line up on the low side of the box. He should be thinking "short hook to the middle" if he gets the ball. If the defensive man is playing on the high side of the post, not the baseline side, The offensive post man should move up the lane to straddle the second lane mark, but he should stay on the lane. The post man should be thinking power lay-up if he gets the ball. If the defensive man is directly behind, get to the high side of the box. Think short hook to the outside or short jumper to the middle. You might even get a power lay-up by faking to the middle, then executing a quick drop step with the baseline foot, then, power it up.

If the defensive man is fronting you completely, slide up the lane to the third lane marker and move a half step off the lane. More will be said about the pass and type of shot to be used in different situations; but, to put things briefly, if the defensive man is playing on the high side, the post man should expect a bounce or overhead pass and be thinking power lay-up.

If the defender is on the low side you should expect a bounce, overhead, or halo pass, and be thinking hook to the middle.

If the defender is behind, look for a bounce, overhead, or halo pass, and be thinking quick pivot jumper or a one ball busting dribble-drive move.

If the defender is fronting, you should expect a lob pass from the forward at the strong-side wing; and, the guard at the point as you swing into the lane, or from a weak-side forward, who has flashed to the high post. The shot in all three cases will be either a baby jumper or a power lay-up.

The Rear Turn

When you're being closely guarded from behind in the low post, you often need to make a quick rear turn to spring yourself free to receive a pass. This move is made by hooking your outside foot around the outside foot of your defensive man and then quickly pivoting on your lead foot. Bend over slightly as you make the turn, being sure to make contact with your man with your rear and back.

Once you have good positioning, ask for the ball with either one or two hands. Hold this position for a two-count so the player with the ball can see you.

To prevent your defensive man from interfering with the incoming pass, it's important that you seal him off by putting the forearm of your non-target arm, bent at a 45-degree angle, on his chest, without using the hand to push or hold him. If you don't get the ball, by the end of the count, move somewhere and set a screen.

Another effective way of keeping the defender from reaching over and stealing a pass is to hook your non-target forearm in the crook of the defenders extended arm and push it down. Continue to signal for the ball with the other arm.

The Step Across

When your defender is playing in front of you on the ball side in the low post, you will never be able to receive a good pass unless you can get back in front of your man.

The best way to do this is to do the following:

  1. Make a strong step in the direction away from the ball.
  2. Come back quickly and step in front of your defender with the foot nearest the ball.
  3. You can keep the man sealed off by keeping low and leaning against his leg and hip. This will keep him from getting around you again. Put your arm up and call for the ball.

The Reverse

If you are positioned down low on the ball side, but your man is keeping you from getting a pass, a good way to free yourself is with a reverse move. To make the reverse work for you, do the following:
  1. Take a hard step toward the passer.
  2. Then make a drop step with the foot nearest the baseline.
  3. Hook the defender's foot with your foot and lean into his hip with your hip and forearm. This will hold him in his spot and keep him from going around you. With your free hand call for the ball and be ready to go right to the hoop with it.

The Lob Pass

Timing between you and the passer is critical if this play is going to work. The pass has to be accurate and out of reach of the defender; and, you have to hold him off before breaking to receive the pass and take it to the hoop.

The lob pass is best used when your man is fronting you low on the ball side. When this happens, do the following:

  1. Turn and face the basket and lean your hip and butt into the back of the defender.
  2. Place your forearm on his back and with your other hand make a target for the incoming pass.
  3. Once the pass is over the hands of your defender, release from the defender, take the pass, and go to the hoop with it.

Ball Reversal

Many times your man will do a good job of fronting you and keeping you from getting a pass down low. When this happens on the ball side, what you can do is signal your teammate to swing the ball over to the opposite side of the court. As this is happening, time the passes and cut quickly to the ball.

The Flash Cut

The flash cut is always made from the "weak-side", away from the ball. you can move toward the passer from either the low, or high post areas. To make a flash cut you should, first, take a step or two away from where you want to go. Then, change direction, pick up your pace, and cut toward the passer to receive the ball. Your defender will be behind you at this point and you can either go up for a shot, or pass off.


The Basic Basketball Moves Without the Ball

Offensive basketball is played mostly with the ball in one of your teammate's hands. Four-Fifths of the time, you don't have the ball. What you do with this time has a direct relationship to your and the team's success. It all starts with your fundamental position.

Your fundamental position is how you stand on the court. You must keep your body low, knees flexed, feet kept apart at shoulder's width, hands raised at chest level and close to the body. When you are in this position, your body is balanced. You are able to receive the ball and move in any direction. When quick movement is needed, your fundamental position keeps you set and ready to make them.

This "basketball position", as some coaches call it, is one of the least understood fundamentals of basketball. Young players often don't fully understand its relationship to shooting and scoring. Unfortunately, they often neglect to work on their basketball position. The "perfect player", however, maintains his basketball position from the starting tip to the final buzzer.

If a player is standing straight up, with his hands on his hips, he is not ready to make that split-second move. Correct positioning may not seem important; however, it is the foundation of your entire game.

Foot Placement

Basketball is a game of quick moves, cuts, and pivots. To make any of these moves, properly, you must start with good foot positioning. How and where your feet are positioned has great effect on how the rest of your body moves. Therefore, it greatly effects the quality of your play.

Keep your feet a shoulder's width apart, or slightly further spread. The non-pivot foot should be slightly out in front of the other, with the toes of the pivot foot on the same plane with the heels of the front foot.

Either foot can be placed forward in this staggered stance. Generally, right-handed players will lead with their right foot and pivot on their left; while, left-handed players lead with their left foot and pivot on their right.

Both feet should be on the floor, with the body weight distributed over the full length of each foot. A common mistake is to put all body weight only on the balls of the feet. This tires the calf muscles and will also slow you down when you begin to make a move.

Leg Position

Get in a crouched position so that your knees are comfortably flexed. When you keep your knees flexed, your muscles are "loaded," ready to give the power and quickness you want. When you stand straight-legged you lose this quickness, because your leg muscles are stretched out. Only when they first contract and then stretch out again will you be able to move with speed and power.

Arm Position

Keep your arms and hands held close to your chest. The wrists and the elbows must be flexed so you are ready to receive the ball. This, also, helps the body to make quick moves. Keep your fingers spread out.

Head Position

How you hold your head will affect your movement. If you hold it too far backward, or too far forward, your entire body is out of balance.

For proper balance, imagine a straight line running through the middle of your head, body, to a spot on the floor exactly between your two feet. Your head needs to sit right in the middle of this invisible line at all times. Your head is really the most important factor in body balance.

Move Quickly and Smoothly

Basketball is a game of ever-changing tempos. In order to play the game effectively you have to get from one spot on the court to another as quickly and smoothly as possible.

It's quickness, rather than basketball talent, that counts for a good portion of your success in the game. If you can hit your shot consistently, you will have a certain value to the team; but, if you are slow, your offensive skills will be less value when compared to those of a quicker teammate.

Speed and quickness have similar qualities; however, they shouldn't be confused with each other. Your maximum level of speed that you can run up and down the court is a gift of God. It's an inherited trait; but, can be developed through practice. Even though you may not be the fastest runner, you can teach yourself to be quick.

You begin by always maintaining your "fundamental basketball position" and diligently work on your starts, stops, pivots, and changes of pace. These are simple, yet, little practiced basketball movements. They help eliminate wasted movement.

Quick Starts

Always do your best to maintain the "fundamental basketball position." Most importantly, stay alert. Be ready to react and move.

When you make a movement to the right, start by turning your head in that direction. At the same time, shift your weight over to your right foot as you move. It's extremely important for you to keep low. Pump with your arms to develop a powerful drive. Keep your initial steps short and fast. Quickness is enhanced by not taking long steps. It's how fast you can move your feet that's more important than the distance you cover with each stride.

Quick Stops

Just as getting a quick start is important in basketball, equally important is being able to come to a quick stop and still be in the "fundamental basketball position." There are many times, in the course of a game, where you get the ball on the run. If you are able to stop immediately, pivot, take a shot, or make a cut while maintaining your balance, you will be a dangerous offensive threat.

If you are off balance when you stop, you then have to take the time to set yourself up. This wastes time, if only for a second. This is about all it takes for the defensive man to regain any advantage you had over him.

There are two good ways of stopping on the court. It only takes a little practice to learn to do both properly. After a few practice sessions, these two stops become an instinctive part of your basketball repertoire.

The Quick or One-Count Stop

This is the most basic stop in basketball. You make the stop off the run by landing with both feet on the floor at the same time. The heels touch first and your toes act as brakes to slow you down. Your knees are flexed, back bent slightly backward. Your forward movement is eliminated with this stop. By crouching as you land, you are now in the "fundamental basketball position." You are ready to shoot, receive a pass, or make a cut (a sharp, quick move made to get open) in another direction.

The Stride or Two-Count Stop

The stride stop is used when you are moving forward and need to change or reverse direction. It is also a good stop to use when you are dribbling and ready to go up for a jump shot.

To perform the stride stop, land on your rear foot and then on your front foot. The rear foot becomes the pivot foot, so don't move it if you stop dribbling. Keep your knees flexed and your back tilted slightly backward to slow your forward momentum.


Pivoting, or turning, requires you to keep one foot, your "pivot foot," stationary, while you turn, or spin, your body around on the ball of your pivot foot. Pivoting can be done with, or without, the ball. In order to pivot properly, follow these simple rules:
  1. Keep your "fundamental basketball position." That is with knees flexed and feet a shoulder's width apart, or wider.
  2. Pivots should be made on the ball of your foot; therefore, lift up the heel of the pivot foot. If you pivot on your heel, you will lose your balance.
  3. You can make a full (360 degree) pivot, a half, or even a quarter-turn pivot. Just remember to keep your body low and feet spread wide.
  4. It is best to make the pivot by swinging with your arm and elbow pointing in the new direction. This helps the body move more quickly.
  5. Pivots are made, both offensively and defensively, two ways:
    • A front turn is made when your chest moves around the pivot foot. This is a good way to square up to the basket for a shot.
    • A rear turn is made by leading with your rear end.
  6. You should practice pivots on both your right and left foot. This prepares you for possible game situations.

Change of Pace

The change of pace movement is a good offensive weapon and should be used throughout a game. It is a three part move used to lose a defensive man. You execute it by running, then slowing down your pace, straightening up your body slightly to give the defense the impression you are going to stop. Usually, this gets a defensive man to relax.

If you bend over again and quickly accelerate, your defensive man will be knocked out of balance. He won't be able to react quickly. You will be in a position to set up a play, receive the ball, or penetrate to the basket with the ball.

Change of pace is an important aspect of basketball. You should use this move with or without the ball. You can't be successful by playing the game at one speed.

Change of Direction

This is an explosive move that is used when you want to shake your defender, free yourself for a pass, shoot a shot, or just move to another part of the court.

To change your direction as you run forward, place your outside foot down hard with the weight of your body on this foot. This helps stop your forward motion. Quickly turn with your hips, trunk, and head in the direction you want to go. Make sure that your outside foot is pointing straight. If you turn this foot sideways, you will never be able to generate enough power to push off explosively in the new direction.

Hockey Steps

As you run forward, at a moderate speed, take a series of short, quick, parallel steps. Stay low with the knees flexed. Combine this with a change of direction move and you will have your defender scrambling behind, trying to catch up. Also while you are making these steps, alternately shake your shoulders and head. This will confuse the defense because, with different parts of the body going in different directions, the defense can't be certain which way you will eventually run.


How to Teach Youngsters to Dribble a Basketball
There are two ways to move the basketball. The preferred and quicker method is the pass; however, if the defense is tight and the passing lanes clogged, the dribble is used to set up the offense. Since the dribble can only begin and stop one time it is in a player's possession, he should make his dribble count. Every single dribble should have a purpose.

The dribble, along with the pass and the shot, is one of the offensive triple threats every player must have in his arsenal. Use the dribble to:

  1. Move the ball on offense.
  2. Blow past your man to the hoop.
  3. Escape from a tough and sticky defense.
  4. Shoot.
  5. Move around a screen and get off your shot behind it.
  6. Get a better passing angle.
  7. Freeze the ball in the closing minutes.

Don't pound the air out of the ball going nowhere. If you want to get from point "A" to point "B", do it with the least amount of dribbling that's possible. Once you put the ball on the floor, it should be to help you get where you want to go. If the dribble can't help you, pass to a teammate.

Isiah Thomas said, "The mistake that I see many young players make on the court is that they simply dribble too much. Many of these players don't realize they're hogging the ball because they're too intent on their own dribbling. But while they are playing with the ball, four other teammates are standing around waiting for something to happen. Before you know it, the defense begins to tighten. More often, than not, the dribbler gets trapped and turns the ball over to the defense, which often scores two easy points."

How to Dribble

Contrary to what many young players actually do, dribbling is not done while staring at the ball. You dribble with your fingertips and pads of the hands without looking at the ball. Keep your head up at all times. Keep your eyes focused on what's happening on the court.

A properly inflated basketball will always bounce straight up at least 75-percent of the height from which it was dropped. Therefore, you don't have to watch the ball as you dribble. "See" with your fingertips. Simply have your fingers there to feel and control the ball.

To dribble, push the ball down by spreading the fingers and flexing the wrist. You don't need to push it down hard. Light pressure is enough. Also, keep your legs flexed and your back straight, ready to make a quick move.

All players should learn to dribble equally well with both hands. This ambidextrous ability will open up your offensive game. It will help discourage the defense from trying to overplay you on your strong side.

There is one important rule to keep in mind whenever you decide to put the ball on the floor. Do not pick up your dribble, until you know what you are going to do with the ball!

Types of Dribbles

There are about as many types of dribbles as there are players. The important ones will be discussed in this chapter. If you want to be a good player, practice enough on all that you can use them whenever a situation arises.

The Low Dribble

The low dribble is to be used whenever you are closely guarded. This type of dribbling simply entails keeping the ball low to the floor and in your control. Extend your dribbling hand and arm down as much as possible to shorten the distance the ball has to travel. Keep the elbow of your dribbling hand close in at your side. Dribble the ball on the side of your body away from the defender. The palm of your dribbling hand is kept over the ball. Don't watch the ball as you dribble. Look over the court and prepare your options. Use your other forearm to shield the ball from the defender. While being tightly guarded, be careful not to blatantly push or shove the defender with your forearm.

The Speed Dribble

Once you're in the open court, you need to go as fast as you can with the ball while still remaining in control of the ball and your body. Since you are not tightly guarded, keeping the ball from the defenders is not a priority here; however, maintaining top speed is a priority.

To run fast and dribble at the same time, push the ball out in front of you at waist height and run after it. Keep your head up so you can see the entire court, your teammates, and whatever defenders are in front of you. The faster you run, the farther out in front of you the ball has to be pushed. With this type of dribble, your hand is not directly over the ball as in the low dribble, but behind it (at nearly a 45-degree angle to the floor) so you can push the ball hard and in front of you with your arm completely extended.

The speed dribble requires a high dribble, but make sure that the bounce is not higher than hip level, else you may lose control of the ball as you sprint down court.

The Change-Of-Pace Dribble

This dribble is one of the most common and is used to make the defender think that you're slowing down or going to pick up your dribble and stop.

When your man is closely guarding you, slow your dribble down and almost come to a stop. Straighten up your back as if you are looking for a teammate to pass to, but still keep your dribble.

Once the man guarding you loosens up his defense, quickly bend over, dribble the ball out hard and long. Explode by him at top speed, protecting the ball with your free hand as you move around him. The dribbling hand slides from the top of the ball to behind it, to nearly a 45-degree angle to the floor.

The Crossover Dribble

The crossover dribble requires dribbling with one hand, then as you get close to your defender, pushing the ball out in front of you, over to the other hand, and exploding past him. This move is a good way to lose your defender, but, since the ball is unprotected as you make the crossover, it can be stolen by the defense if the move isn't done smoothly.

Keep the ball low as you dribble. If you are dribbling with your right hand, once you get close to the defender, bounce it over to your left side near your left foot. The right hand must be kept on the side of the ball in order to push it over. Keep your left hand ready to receive the ball, with your palm held perpendicular to the floor for a split second to stop the movement of the ball and then push the ball out in front of you. Stay low, shifting your weight by pushing toward your new direction with the inside of your right foot. Lower your right shoulder and use your trunk to protect the ball from the defense. Cut as close to your defender as possible. For best results, combine the crossover dribble with a change of pace.

The Between-The-Legs Dribble

This dribble is a quick way to move the ball from one hand to the other when you are closely guarded or when being overplayed and you want to change dribbling direction.

Let's assume you are dribbling with your right hand and want to change over to your left. Keep your dribble low. On the last dribble you take before the changeover, put your right hand laterally on the outside of the ball and push it hard between your spread legs. You left hand must be close to your legs to receive the ball with the fingers spread out and pointed to the floor. Continue dribbling with your left hand.

The Reverse Dribble

This dribble is another to be used when you are closely guarded. Its major drawback is that the dribbler will momentarily lose sight of his own teammates and other defenders while the move is being made.

As you move toward the defender, stop hard for about a half second. Using your left foot as the pivot (assuming you are dribbling right handed), stay low and turn your back on your defender. To do this, without walking, move your right leg, right shoulder, and head to the left while pivoting on your left foot. Keep dribbling with your right hand as you pivot on your left foot. To maintain proper balance, don't keep your feet close to each other as you pivot. The right foot must be turned and pointed quickly in the new direction to assist the rest of your body in making the turn. For quick execution of the move, swing your right arm and shoulder to help with your rotation. Shift the right hand from the top of the ball over to your right side, pushing the ball from the side and swinging it around. Slap the ball hard on the floor with your first bounce. It must pass laterally over your left foot. The dribble is then continued with the left hand.

The Half-Reverse Dribble

Start the move just as you would the normal reverse dribble. Make a 90-degree turn and then come back to your original position. To be effective, the move must be done quickly. Keep your palm on the side of the ball for the first 90-degree turn and then switch it to the other side of the ball when you bring it back to the starting position.

The Hockey Dribble

The hockey dribble is a staggered dribble move, used to throw off a defender, that combines a head-and-shoulder fake and a change of pace. To make this move, stay low and keep the ball at your side. As you get close to the defender, make small "stutter" steps (short, quick, parallel steps) with your feet. At the same time make head-and-shoulder fakes to confuse the defense. If you are dribbling with your right hand, fake to the left with your left foot and left shoulder, continuing your dribble at the same time. Then quickly cut back, pick up speed, and push the ball out with your right hand. Move past the defender with your right leg leading the way. In some situations you may want to also use a crossover dribble to get by your man.

The Behind-The-Back Dribble

As you approach the defender on the right side, change your direction slightly to the left to make the move past the defender on your left. After you have taken your last dribble with your right hand, slide your palm over and then outside on the ball, swinging it behind and across your lower back, pushing the ball to your left side.

End the movement of your right arm as close to your left hip as possible. This will give you the most ball control. Once you have control of the ball with your left hand, increase your tempo as you make the first dribble.

To make this move work really well, it's important that the first bounce on the left side be made way out in front and to the side of the left foot.

The Backup Dribble

This is mainly a dribbling move used to escape a dangerous defensive situation. When dribbling with your right hand, turn your shoulder to the defender, push back on your left foot away from the defender, and simultaneously make a dribble back. Protect the ball with your left shoulder and arm.

Ball Handling & Dribble Drills

Dribbling is a skill that is only developed after many hours of having the ball in your hands. As with all offensive basketball moves, your dribbling skills will only improve through hard work.

When you practice dribbling, avoid as much as possible the temptation to look at the ball. An excellent drill for beginners is to simply take a basketball with you everywhere you go. Dribble the ball as you walk to school or go visit a friend. The next time you go out for a jog, take the ball with you and dribble it the entire distance. After some time you'll be dribbling the ball without looking at it because you've made it such a natural and instinctive act that you don't even think about.

Once you are adept with dribbling the ball without looking at it, start to work on the specific dribbling maneuvers (behind-the- back dribble, between-the-legs dribble, etc.) to perfect your court skills. It's important to remember that you first have to learn the actual dribbling mechanics of each move before trying to make the dribble move at game speed.

Practice them slowly, first. Increase the speed little by little after becoming comfortable with the ball at a slow speed. Following are some simple ball handling drills that you can work on by yourself.

Around The Legs

Keep your feet shoulder's width apart. Flex your knees and bend over at your waist. Holding the ball in your right hand, move it between your legs and around your left knee. Pick the ball up with your left hand, swing it around the front of your left knee and back to your right hand. Repeat. Do 20 repetitions of this drill on your left leg and then repeat it on your right leg.

Around The Knees

Keep your feet a few inches apart, flex your knees, and bend at the waist. Holding the ball in your right hand, pass it behind your knees to your left hand. Pass the ball around the front of your knees with your left hand to your right hand. Repeat the drill 20 times going in one direction as quickly as possible. Change direction and repeat the drill again.

Around The Waist

Stand up straight with your feet a shoulder's width apart. Hold the ball at waist level in your right hand and pass it behind your back as far as possible to your left hand. Pass the ball around the front of your waist as far as possible to your right hand. Repeat the drill 20 times going as quickly as possible. Change direction and repeat the drill again.

The Figure-8

Keep your feet spread wider than a shoulder's width, flex your knees, and bend forward at the waist. Holding the ball at knee level in your right hand, pass it behind your left leg to your left hand. Pass it around the front of your left leg to behind your right knee to your right hand. Pass it around the front of your right knee to the back of your left knee. Repeat the drill 15 times going as quickly as possible. Change direction and repeat the drill. Don't watch the ball!

Figure-8 With Drop In The Middle

This drill is done exactly as the figure-8, except each time that you bring the ball between your legs from the front, drop it. Picking it up on the bounce, continue the drill as before. Repeat the drill 15 times going as quickly as possible. Change direction and repeat the drill. Don't watch the ball!

Between-The-Legs Run

This ball-handling drill is a good prelude to the between-the- legs dribbling drill. Assume a crouched position and begin moving slowly down court. As you move, pass the ball quickly from your right hand between your legs to the back of your left leg to your left hand. With the left hand, pass the ball around the front of your left leg, between your legs to the back of your right leg to your right hand. Repeat the drill continuously while moving down court.

Between-The-Legs Bounce And Catch

Holding the ball over your head with two hands, spread your feet slightly further than shoulder's width. Swing the ball forward and bounce it on the floor between your legs near your heels. Swing your arms back quickly and catch the ball with your two hands as it bounces up toward your hips. Repeat this drill 15 times as quickly as possible.

Ball Drop/Hand Clap

Here's a tricky drill that requires quickness and, since you won't be looking at the ball, a sense of where the ball is. Flex your knees, keep your feet together, and bend forward at the waist.

Holding the ball behind your knees, let it drop to the floor. Bring your hands to the front of your knees, clap them together, then quickly bring them behind your knees to pick the ball up before the next bounce. Repeat this drill 15 times.

Sit Dribbling

Sit on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you. With the ball in your right hand, begin to dribble it around your back as far over to your left hip as possible. Pass it to your left hand and continue dribbling in front of you as far as you can to your right hand. Repeat this drill 15 times and then switch directions.

Full-Court Speed Dribble

Move quickly down the court with the ball waist high and far out in front of you. Make the lay-up and head back up court, repeating the speed dribble and lay-up. Do this 6 times. Shoot 10 free throws, then repeat the drill again.

Crossover Dribble

Set up a series of folding chairs on the basketball court about 10 to 15 feet apart. Pretend that they are defensive players trying to grab at the ball. Begin at one end of the court and dribble around the chairs, weaving your way to the end. As you approach each chair, change your dribbling hand, remembering to keep the ball low and close to your body.

Reverse Dribble

Place three chairs 15 feet apart on the court and pretend that they are defensive players. Dribble toward them and make your spin move, using proper form and technique. When you arrive at the next chair, repeat the move. On your return trip, try to make the move with the other hand.


Passing and Catching the Basketball

The Five Passing Lanes

Each game situation presents the possibility for one perfect pass. Imagine yourself faced by a defender crouched over in good defensive position. What you should now see is not just this player, but actually, five possible passing lanes. These five lanes are:
  1. Over the top of the defender's head.
  2. Near the left side of his head.
  3. Near the right side of his head.
  4. Near his right leg.
  5. Near his left leg.

    If you are well guarded by your man you won't be able to pass the ball immediately where you want to. In cases like this, fake with the ball. Fake with your body; or, fake with your body and the ball. Once the defender goes for the fake, pass through one of the five lanes.

    Catching the Ball

    A pass is only good if it can be caught. Therefore, you should always be ready to catch the ball. You should anticipate both when and where the pass will be thrown. In order to catch the ball you should:
  6. Get as open as possible and present a good target to the passer.

    To receive the ball:

    • Keep your hands out from the chest.
    • Keep fingers pointed up and spread comfortably, with the thumbs almost touching each other. This position enables you to immediately get a good hold on the ball.
    • Between the passer and the receiver there is an unspoken signal to pass the ball: the raised and open hands of the receiver. This tells the passer, "I'm open! Give me the ball!
  7. Not every pass will be perfect. Be ready to move from side to side for a poorly thrown or deflected pass.
  8. Keep your eyes on the ball from the time it leaves the passer's hands until you actually touch the ball yourself. Taking your eyes off the ball for only a split-second can cause a fumbled pass.
  9. Step toward the ball as it comes to you with your arms out to decrease the length of the pass. Also, this prevents the defense from stepping in front and stealing the ball.
  10. After the ball hits your fingers, bend your elbows slightly and bring the ball in toward your chest. This cushions the impact of the pass and gives you better control of the ball.
  11. Now, that you have the ball at chest level, you are in a position to pass or shoot quickly.

Passing Sets Up Winning Shots

Passing is the quickest and most effective way to get the ball from player to player and move it around the court. The more passes that are made by the offense, the more you will challenge the defense. It keeps them scrambling, frustrated, and tired. The perfect end result of a series of well-executed passes will be to an open man close to the basket. He can take the ball and easily score.

When you break down the game of basketball to the most elemental form, it's not the shooting that wins games for you. It's the passes that went into setting up those winning shots.

Magic Johnson says, "I love to pass. It gives me a thrill to have the ball end up in the hands of the right player who's just ready to put it in the bucket for two points."

He goes on to say, "You can't overpower the ball. Your teammate won't be able to hold onto it. I try to make my passes soft enough so my teammate can catch and do something with it right away."

Magic offers more hints, "What I use for a target depends on the particular situation. With Kareem, because he is so tall, he'll hold up his hand and give me an easy target. With other players, I have to work harder, especially when I'm closely guarded. If my teammate is closely guarded, my target is to his outside open hand. When he's not closely guarded I aim the ball at the middle of his chest, right at his uniform numbers."

The Two-Handed Chest Pass

The chest pass is the most common pass you will throw in a game when there isn't a defensive player between you and your teammate. To execute this pass, start with the ball held in two hands chest-high and close to your body. Your elbows should be tucked in and fingers spread around the ball with your thumbs up. Don't spread your fingers out too far because this positioning will prevent you from making a quick pass. As you hold the ball, your wrists should be pointed upward. Holding them downward will force you, first, to turn them up before you pass. This is an unnecessary extra movement that only delays the pass.

When you are about to make the pass, step in the direction of your pass. Moving like this gives you body balance and gives your pass more power and speed. Don't overextend your step, because this tends to take away some balance.

As your arms stretch out to their full length, rotate your elbows and wrists outward so that your hands end up in a thumbs- downward, palms-out position. Release the ball with a snap of your wrist. Spin the ball with your, index fingers, middle fingers, and thumbs as it leaves your hands. This spin on the ball causes it to travel in a straighter line. This type of pass is easier to catch than a "flat spinless" pass.

The Two-Handed Bounce Pass

The basic mechanics of the bounce pass are the same as those of the chest pass; however, the game situation for each of the passes are different. A bounce pass is a good one to use on a back- door play. It is also the pass to use when passing to a teammate, guarded from behind in the low post, or in other situations when a defender is between you and the receiver.

Starting with the same position as the two-handed chest pass, take a strong step in the direction of your receiver. Quickly extend your arms and palms outward. Backspin is put on the ball as you go from thumbs up to a thumbs down release position. This backspin makes the ball easier to catch. The ball must hit the floor at least three-quarters of the distance to your receiver. It should come up to him at his thighs and waist.

The Two-Handed Overhead Pass

The overhead pass is commonly used for moving the ball around the perimeter, as a skip pass, a pass into the post area, and as an outlet pass. When you make this pass, always aim the ball a little over the head of the receiver.

To make an overhead pass, hold the ball over your head and slightly back of the center of your head. Don't hold the ball BEHIND your head. This wastes movement and time. Your fingers should be spread firmly around the ball, thumbs a couple of inches apart at the bottom of the ball. This pass gets its power from the flick of your wrists and fingers. As you step toward the receiver, snap the wrists and rotate both your arms and palms outward. Your hands should end with the fingers pointing upward.

The Lateral Pass

The starting position is the same as the two-handed chest pass. With your defender standing in front of you, step across his body with the foot opposite the ball. This protects the ball. Bring the ball to your side and extend your arms. Quickly cock your outside wrist, drop your helper hand, and snap the ball to your receiver.

A variation of this pass is the lateral bounce pass made with one or both hands. If you use this pass, the ball must be bounced to a spot, at least, three-quarters of the distance to the receiver.

The Push Pass

The push pass is a quick pass made with one hand. The pass originates near your ear and relies on your elbow being bent for its power. It can either be a straight or a lob pass. This depends upon the defensive alignment.

The Baseball Pass

This is a long-distance pass, usually thrown more than half- court. Generally, one baseball pass to a player headed down-court ahead of anyone else, is all that's needed for a quick two points.

To make the baseball pass, keep both hands on the ball as long as possible. This gives you better control and will enable you to stop the pass at the last moment, if needed.

Plant your back foot and bring the ball back above the shoulder and near the ear on your throwing side. The arm must be bent at a 45-degree angle. The upper arm should be parallel to the floor. This position will enable you to throw a quick, straight, and hard pass. Step toward the direction of your intended pass with the foot opposite your throwing arm. Make an overhead throw, snapping the wrist, and follow through with the arm fully extended. Remember to put a backward rotation on the ball to make it go straight.

The Behind-The-Back Pass

This pass used to be considered a "show-off" pass; however, it now has become a normal offensive weapon. Still, it MUST NOT be abused.

To make the pass, hold the ball with two hands. As you bring the ball back around your hip, your helping hand drops off. Your passing hand is on the side of the ball and must thrust the ball behind the back. The movement ends with the passing hand near the opposite hip, with the fingers pointing in the direction of the pass.

The Hand-Off Pass

This is a pass that doesn't require an extension of the arm. It is used to give the ball to a teammate who is either cutting or circling behind you.

Have one arm up and the ball laying on the palm of your other hand. Simply toss or flip it to the receiver. Another variation of this is to turn your body toward the receiver, or else, make a complete turn, face the receiver and give him the ball.

The Hook Pass

When you are closely guarded, hold the ball at shoulder level, elbows flared outward to protect the ball. Start to lift the ball up with two hands, with the wrist of the outside hand flexed. Drop your helping hand to face level. Extend your passing arm over your head with the ball. When you have stretched this arm out completely, flick the ball by snapping your wrist forward.

The Off-The-Dribble Pass

This is becoming a pass that is popping up at all levels of basketball. To make this pass work, on your last dribble, move your dribbling hand to the top quarter of the ball. Combine a lateral movement of the hand and arm, and push the ball forward with a snap of the wrist toward the receiver. This pass is quick and deceptive. It will usually catch the defensive man by surprise.

Passing Drills

Passing, like shooting, requires constant practice. If you will regularly work on the following drills, your passing mechanics will improve. However, it's only through team practice sessions and games, with your coach watching, that you will really learn WHEN to pass and HOW to get the pass over, under, or through the defender. Such situations will develop and sharpen your passing skills the most, turning your passing mechanics into valuable on-court skills.

Wall Passing

This will help you develop your two-handed chest pass as well as the bounce pass. Performing the drill regularly will improve your reflexes and form. Also, it will help you to develop ball rotation and arm strength. Do the drill like this:
  1. Stand six feet from a wall and pass the ball chest-high to a spot you have marked on the wall. Concentrate on your form. Make 20 passes like this.
  2. Step back two feet and take 20 more chest passes. This completes the set.
  3. Do another set, but, this time use bounce passes.
  4. Next, see how many chest or bounce passes you can make in a minute. Try to increase the number with each practice session.

Before you reach the end of this drill, your arms will begin to tire and your fingertips might even become sore. Keep concentrating and maintaining form throughout the drill.

Dead Ball Rule

When you play with your teammates or friends, play with the rule that dribbling is not allowed. If you do dribble, you lose possession of the ball. By playing with this "dead ball" rule, all players will be forced to concentrate on their passing game and look for the open man instead of dribbling the ball.

Bull In The Ring

Form a circle with players standing at least four feet from each other. Place one defensive man in the middle. The object of this drill is to pass the ball to each other without the defensive man touching, deflecting, or stealing the ball.

In this case, the passer who makes the mistake becomes the defender and the defender takes his place on offense. The other rule of this game is: you are not allowed to pass to players standing on either side.

I.U. Passing Drill

This drill requires several players and two balls. Players form a semi-circle, with one player (the in-the-barrel player) standing one step in from an imaginary line drawn between the two end players forming the semi-circle. Drill goes like this:
  1. The "in-the-barrel" player makes a correct form two-handed chest pass to one of the players in the semi-circle. At the same time he must call-out that player's name.
  2. The instant the ball leaves the man-in-the-barrel's hands, the player holding the second ball in the semi-circle, executes a correct form two handed chest pass to the man-in-the barrel. He, also, must call-out the man-in-the barrel's name.
  3. Passing continues at a rapid pace for one minute. Then players rotate clockwise, with a new man-in-the barrel. The drill continues until every player has had his turn in the barrel. There are four rules:
    • The passer must call-out the name of the receiver.
    • You must concentrate on the proper passing mechanics.
    • The "in-the-barrel" player can not make consecutive passes to side by side men in the semi-circle.
    • The "in-the-barrel" player must stay one step in from an imaginary line extending from the end semi-circle players.
  4. Repeat this drill, using bounce passes.

Two On One

Two offensive players with one ball line up across from each other at the half court or free-throw circle. One defensive man stands in the middle of the circle, trying to touch, deflect, or steal the ball. Using fakes, the two passers must pass the ball to each other without dribbling or taking steps. Once the ball is touched by the defender, the passer goes in the middle and the defender becomes a passer.


Offensive Basketball Rebounding Wins Games

Height and good jumping ability have certain advantages in offensive rebounding. They are by no means the only factor in becoming a good rebounder. There are many instances, at all levels, that a seven foot center is out battled for a rebound, even out- rebounded for an entire game by a player as much as six inches shorter.
Rebounding is an important basketball skill that is developed and improved through these three ingredients:
  1. Aggressiveness
  2. Positioning
  3. Determination

Combine these factors, even though you are not 6'11'' and don't have good jumping ability. You will be well on your way toward being a good rebounder.

How do you pick off all the loose balls that come from your teammate's, and your own, missed shots? You try to anticipate where you think the ball will come off the rim. Position yourself so that you have a better position to get the ball. The big problem is that you usually have a defensive man in front, blocking you to keep you away from the basket. It always takes extra effort to establish good rebounding position, especially on offense.

One of the biggest mistakes young players make is standing around watching the flight of the ball, maybe only for a moment. They should be going for the rebound. If your teammate misses a shot, and you watch it first, before going for the rebound, you give the defense plenty of time to effectively box you out. This will keep you from ever getting to the basket.

A good way to get out of the habit of watching shots before going in for the rebound is to always think that every shot will miss. This will force you to think where the shot will come off the rim.


Your rebounding motto should be, "The ball belongs to me and, come hell or high water, I'm going to have it!"

Take a lot of pride in your offensive rebounds. They are harder to come by. It takes a lot of work to be good at rebounding; however, there is nothing more satisfying than a rebound pulled down in a crowd under the glass, and then going back up with it, scoring, and getting a foul shot, too.

Mental outlook is one of the most important factors in rebounding. You need the proper frame of mind when going for the ball. You have to be determined that you will do your best to get the ball. Rebounding starts with determination. There are nine other players on the court; but, you have to want the rebound the most. This mental and physical toughness will pay off.

Many times the ball will come off the rim and not be grabbed right away. It may even bounce off your fingers. It might slip through outstretch hands. A lot of times you have to go up two, maybe three times on one play to get one rebound. Rebounding is hard work; but, never give up. By concentrating, going up that many times for the ball, and then finally coming back down with it, and putting it back in the hole for two points, you can take the energy and heart right out of the other team.

One important thing to remember, once you have the ball in your hands, is to bring it down to your chest with elbows out wide. This protects the ball. When you land on the floor, with the ball, be sure to come down with a wide and strong position. This will keep you from being knocked over when the defense bumps you. This, also, helps you to protect the ball.

If you are in a crowd, under your offensive board, the tip-in is a good thing to use. Even if you miss, you are keeping the ball alive. Even if you can't get it with your second and third effort, perhaps a teammate might.


Positioning for offensive rebounds is important. A good strong position is the secret of both offensive and defensive rebounding. First of all, you have to reach that spot in the lane where you think the ball will come down. Don't get too far under the basket. You don't want to be too far away from the rim, either.

Once you are here, you must be able to hold your position for two or three seconds. Keep low with knees bent, and legs wide to provide a large and strong base. This will keep you from being pushed out of position by the defense. Your back should be slightly bent forward and your arms at a 45-degree angle over your shoulders. By holding your arms like this, the defense will not be able to hook you and pin your arms at your sides. Do all these things and you will be in a good position to rebound.

Another thing you should always remember, don't try to dribble the ball when you grab a rebound and come back down to the floor. Immediately go back up strong to the basket.


The painted area is one of the most physical places in the world of sports. When you are there, your job is too rebound. Be prepared to be elbowed, shoved, pushed, or even knocked to the floor. That's the nature of the game. If you are not willing to take the pain, you will never develop into a rebounder.

Even though it is so physical in the paint, even in high school, you must be extremely aggressive to get in there and rebound. Whenever you are blocked out by your defensive man, keep moving around and try for a better position.

Quickly note where your teammate has shot from. Tell yourself, "That ball is not going in!" Then, move in aggressively for rebounding position.

Remember that 75 percent of all missed shots go in a direction away from the shooter. Generally, the further away the shooter is from the basket, the higher and further out the ball will bounce. Shots taken from the side have a tendency to bounce to the opposite side. Shots taken straight on at the basket will generally bounce straight back to the shooter.

Study the way your teammates shoot. Note the type of arc the give their shots. This will tell you approximately where you can go for the rebound.

How to Go for the Offensive Rebound

There are many simple moves you can make that will help you to become a good rebounder. Make yourself aware of them and use them in practice and games.

When Not Blocked Out

If your defensive man is facing you, when a shot is taken, and hasn't begun to block you out, take a strong step in one direction. Make a head and shoulder fake at the same time. Follow this with a change of direction and a change of pace to go over him.

When Blocked Out

If your defensive man has effectively blocked you out, lean on the middle of his back with your shoulder. Using his back as the pivot point, make a reverse by actually rolling around his back, placing your lead foot in front of his feet. If you do this correctly, you will end up in front.

Over With The Arms

Another trick to use if you find your defensive man beside you on a rebound is the old "hook the arm" trick. When your defensive man has his arms raised, raise your arms and hook one of them over the crook of his arm and push it down. As you do this, step in front of him and take his position. If you can't get in front of him, at least try to get parallel with him. Tip with your other hand. It may surprise you, how high you can reach. At least, you will have a better shot at keeping the ball alive.

Rebounding Drills

On a strictly physical level, rebounding is an explosive act that involves the contracting and tensing of the leg muscles. Then, jumping upward by straightening out those muscles. The higher you can jump, the better your chance of getting the rebound. Not everyone has natural jumping ability; however, everyone can improve what jumping capabilities he possesses. The following drills will help you improve your jumping ability and lateral movement.

Leg Bounds

This drill will develop strong muscles in your upper legs. This gives you the explosive power needed to leap quickly and continuously. The drill goes like this:
  1. Stand at an end line with your legs together.
  2. With your arms at your sides, bend your knees until you are in a half-squat.
  3. Jump out as far and as high as you can, thrusting out your arms and straightening your body.
  4. When you land, end in the same crouched position and take off again with your next bound.
  5. Continue these bounds until you reach the far end line.
  6. Grab a ball and shoot 10 free throws, then bound back.
  7. Start by doing this once, then gradually increase the number until you can do it five times each session.

Squat Jumps

This drill will develop tremendous leg strength. Remember to jump as high as possible on each jump. Perform the drill as follows:
  1. Stand with your feet shoulder's width apart.
  2. Put your hands behind your head, lacing the fingers of your hands together.
  3. Drop to a half-squat position and then explode upward as high as possible. Keep your hands behind your head.
  4. When you land, begin the squat-and-jump process all over again. Continue until you have completed 25 jumps. This constitutes 1 set.
  5. Do 3 sets and shoot 10 free throws between sets.

String Jumping

This drill will help develop quickness, endurance, and power in your legs. Perform this exercise as follows:
  1. Place two chairs about four feet apart. Tie a string between them, about 12 to 18 inches off the floor.
  2. Stand sideways on one side of the string with your feet together.
  3. Hold your arms at your sides and flex the knees until you are in a half-squat.
  4. Explode up and over the string using your legs and arms for power.
  5. Land on the balls of your feet.
  6. Repeat the motion and jump back over to the other side.
  7. Do this continuously for one minute, keeping track of how many jumps you performed.
  8. Grab a ball and shoot free throws for one-minute, then repeat two more times.

Back To The Basket

This drill will help develop power and quickness. You will need a friend to help you with this drill. Do it this way:
  1. Have your friend to stand about 6 or 8 feet from the backboard.
  2. You stand with your back to the backboard about 2 feet closer than your friend.
  3. Have your friend throw the ball up underhanded.

    When you hear the ball hit, pivot and face the backboard. Spot the ball as quickly as possible.

  4. Jump up for the rebound. Bring the ball down to your chest, with your elbows out wide.
  5. Spring up with the ball and put it in the hoop.
  6. Repeat this over 10 times. This constitutes 1 set. Shoot free throws for one-minute between sets. Do 3 sets per session.

Continuous Tap-Ins

This is a good exercise to develop jumping ability, timing, and fingertip control of the ball. Two players are needed to perform this drill. The drill goes like this:
  1. Start by facing the backboard, one player on the right side, the other on the left of the rim.
  2. The first player begins by tossing the ball over the rim to the opposite side of the backboard and then runs to that side.
  3. The second player then jumps up and taps the ball over to the other side of the backboard and then quickly runs over to that side.
  4. Repeat this drill 20 times, which constitutes 1 set. Shoot free throws one minute between each set. Do 3 sets per session.

Lateral Movement Drill

This is an excellent drill to enhance lateral movement, an important, yet, often neglected aspect of rebounding. Do it like this:
  1. With a basketball in your hand, stand four feet away from the backboard. Face the direction of the baseline with one foot inside the lane and the other, outside.
  2. Toss the ball over your head to the opposite side of the backboard.
  3. Quickly move and catch the ball, with arms extended, before it hits the ground.
  4. Step back, once again keeping one foot in the lane and one foot out, and toss the ball back up again. Repeat this until you have done it 10 times. This constitutes a set.
  5. Shoot 10 free throws and repeat.

Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2008



Permainan bola basket diciptakan oleh Prof. Dr. James A. Naismith salah seorang guru pendidikan jasmani Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA) Springfield, Massachusets, Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1891. Gagasan yang mendorong terwujudnya cabang olahragabaru ini ialah adanya kenyataan bahwa waktu itu keanggotaan dan pengunjung sekolah tersebut kian hari kian merosot. Sebab utamanya adalah rasa bosan dari para anggota dalam mengikuti latihan olahraga Senam yang gerakannya kaku. Di samping itu kebutuhan yang dirasakan pada musim dingin untuk tetap melakukan olahraga yang menarik semakin mendesak. Dr. Luther Gullick, pengawas kepala bagian olahraga pada sekolah tersebut menyadari adanya gejala yang kurang baik itu dan segera menghubungi Prof. Dr. James A. Naismith serta memberi tugas kepadanya untuk menyusun suatu kegiatan olahraga yang baru yang dapat dimainkan di ruang tertutup pada sore hari.
Dalam menyambut tugasnya itu Nasimith menyusun suatu gagasan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan ruang tertutup yakni permainan yang tidak begitu keras, tidak ada unsur menendang, menjegal dan menarik serta tidak sukar dipelajari. Langkah pertama, diujinya gubahan dari permainan Footbal, Baseball, Lacrose dan Sepakbola. Tetapi tidak satupun yang cocok dengan tuntutannya. Sebab disamping sulit dipelajari, juga permainan tersebut masih terlalu keras untuk dimainkan di ruangan tertutup yang berlampu.
Dari hasil percobaan yang dilakukan itu Naismith akhrinya sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa permainan yang baru itu harus mempergunakan bola yang bentuknya bulat, tidak menjegal, dan harus menghilangkan gawang sebagai sasarannya. Untuk menjinakkan bola sebagai pengganti menendang dilakukan gerakan mengoper dengan tangan serta menggiring bola (dribbling) sebagai puncak kegairahan, gawang diganti dengan sasaran lain yang sempit dan terletak di atas para pemain, sehingga dengan obyek sasaran yang demikian pengutamaan tembakan tidak terletak pada kekuatan seperti yang terjadi pada waktu menendang, melainkan pada ketepatan menembak. Semula Naismith akan menggunakan kotak kayu untuk sasaran tembakan tersebut, tetapi berhubung waktu percobaan dilakukan yang ada hanya keranjang (basket) buah persik yang kosong, maka akhirnya keranjang itulah dijadikan sasaran tembakan. Dari perkataan basket ini kemudian permainan baru yang ditemukan Prof. Dr. James A. Naismith tersebut dinamakan Basketball.
Pertandingan resmi bola basket yang pertama, diselenggarakan pada tanggal 20 Januari 1892 di tempat kerja Dr. James Naismith. “Basket ball” (sebutan bagi olahraga ini dalam bahasa Inggris), adalah sebutan yang digagas oleh salah seorang muridnya. Olahraga ini pun menjadi segera terkenal di seantero Amerika Serikat. Penggemar fanatiknya ditempatkan di seluruh cabang YMCA di Amerika Serikat. Pertandingan demi pertandingan pun segera dilaksanakan di kota-kota di seluruh negara bagian Amerika Serikat.
Pada awalnya,setiap tim berjumlah sembilan orang dan tidak ada dribble,sehingga bola hanya dapat berpindah melalui pass (lemparan). Sejarah peraturan permainan basket diawali dari 13 aturan dasar yang ditulis sendiri oleh James Naismith. Aturan dasar tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Bola dapat dilemparkan ke segala arah dengan menggunakan salah satu atau kedua tangan.
2. Bola dapat dipukul ke segala arah dengan menggunakan salah satu atau kedua tangan, tetapi tidak boleh dipukul menggunakan kepalan tangan (meninju).
3. Pemain tidak diperbolehkan berlari sambil memegang bola. Pemain harus melemparkan bola tersebut dari titik tempat menerima bola, tetapi diperbolehkan apabila pemain tersebut berlari pada kecepatan biasa.
4. Bola harus dipegang di dalam atau diantara telapak tangan. Lengan atau anggota tubuh lainnya tidak diperbolehkan memegang bola.
5. Pemain tidak diperbolehkan menyeruduk, menahan, mendorong, memukul, atau menjegal pemain lawan dengan cara bagaimanapun. Pelanggaran pertama terhadap peraturan ini akan dihitung sebagai kesalahan, pelanggaran kedua akan diberi sanksi berupa pendiskualifikasian pemain pelanggar hingga keranjang timnya dimasuki oleh bola lawan, dan apabila pelanggaran tersebut dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mencederai lawan, maka pemain pelanggar akan dikenai hukuman tidak boleh ikut bermain sepanjang pertandingan. Pada masa ini, pergantian pemain tidak diperbolehkan.
6. Sebuah kesalahan dibuat pemain apabila memukul bola dengan kepalan tangan (meninju), melakukan pelanggaran terhadap aturan 3 dan 4, serta melanggar hal-hal yang disebutkan pada aturan 5.
7. Apabila salah satu pihak melakukan tiga kesalahan berturut-turut, maka kesalahan itu akan dihitung sebagai gol untuk lawannya (berturut-turut berarti tanpa adanya pelanggaran balik oleh lawan).
8. Gol terjadi apabila bola yang dilemparkan atau dipukul dari lapangan masuk ke dalam keranjang, dalam hal ini pemain yang menjaga keranjang tidak menyentuh atau mengganggu gol tersebut. Apabila bola terhenti di pinggir keranjang atau pemain lawan menggerakkan keranjang, maka hal tersebut tidak akan dihitung sebagai sebuah gol.
9. Apabila bola keluar lapangan pertandingan, bola akan dilemparkan kembali ke dalam dan dimainkan oleh pemain pertama yang menyentuhnya. Apabila terjadi perbedaan pendapat tentang kepemilikan bola, maka wasitlah yang akan melemparkannya ke dalam lapangan. Pelempar bola diberi waktu 5 detik untuk melemparkan bola dalam genggamannya. Apabila ia memegang lebih lama dari waktu tersebut, maka kepemilikan bola akan berpindah. Apabila salah satu pihak melakukan hal yang dapat menunda pertandingan, maka wasit dapat memberi mereka sebuah peringatan pelanggaran.
10. Wasit berhak untuk memperhatikan permainan para pemain dan mencatat jumlah pelanggaran dan memberi tahu wasit pembantu apabila terjadi pelanggaran berturut-turut. Wasit memiliki hak penuh untuk mendiskualifikasi pemain yang melakukan pelanggaran sesuai dengan yang tercantum dalam aturan 5.
11. Wasit pembantu memperhatikan bola dan mengambil keputusan apabila bola dianggap telah keluar lapangan, pergantian kepemilikan bola, serta menghitung waktu. Wasit pembantu berhak menentukan sah tidaknya suatu gol dan menghitung jumlah gol yang terjadi.
12. Waktu pertandingan adalah 4 quarter masing-masing 10 menit
13. Pihak yang berhasil memasukkan gol terbanyak akan dinyatakan sebagai pemenang.

Pada Agustus 1936, saat menghadiri Olimpiade Berlin 1936, ia dinamakan sebagai Presiden Kehormatan Federasi Bola Basket Internasional. Terlahir sebagai warga Kanada, ia menjadi warga negara Amerika Serikat pada 4 Mei 1925.
Naismith meninggal dunia 28 November 1939, kurang dari enam bulan setelah menikah untuk kedua kalinya.

Perkembangan Bola Basket di Indonesia

Di tengah-tengah gejolak revolusi bangsa dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan yang telah direbut itu, permainan Bola Basket mulai dikenal oleh sebagian kecil rakyat Indonesia, khususnya yang berada di kota perjuangan dan pusat pemerintahan Rakyat Indonesia, Yogyakarta serta kota terdekat Solo. Nampaknya, ancaman pedang dan dentuman meriam penjajah tidak menjadi penghalang bagi bangsa Indonesia untuk melakukan kegiatan olahraga, termasuk permainan Bola Basket.
Bahkan dengan dilakukannya kegiatan-kegiatan olahraga tersebut semangat juang bangsa Indonesia untuk mempertahankan tanah airnya dari ancaman para penjajah yang menginginkan kembali berkuasa semakin membaja. Terbukti pada bulan September 1948, di kota Solo diselenggarakan Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) Pertama yang memmpertandingkan beberapa cabang olahraga, diantaranya Bola Basket. Dalam kegiatan tersebut ikut serta beberapa regu, antara lain : PORO Solo, PORI Yogyakarta dan Akademi Olahraga Sarangan.
Pada tahun 1951, Maladi dalam kedudukannya selaku Sekretaris Komite Olympiade Indonesia (KOI) meminta kepada Tony Wen dan Wim Latumenten untuk menyusun organisasi olahraga Bola Basket Indonesia. Selanjutnya karena pada tahun ini juga di Jakarta akan diselenggarakan PON ke-II, maka kepada kedua tokoh tadi Maladi meminta pula untk menjadi penyelenggara pertandingan Bola Basket.
Atas prakarsa kedua tokoh ini, pada tanggal 23 Oktober 1951 dibentuklah organisasi Bola Basket Indonesia dengan nama Persatuan Basketball Seluruh Indonesia disingkat PERBASI. Tahun 1955 namanya diubah dan disesuaikan dengan perbendaharaan bahasa Indonesia, menjadi Persatuan Bola Basket Seluruh Indonesia yang singkatannya tetap sama yaitu PERBASI.
Dalam susunan Pengurus PERBASI yang pertama, Tony Wen menduduki jabatan Ketua serta Wim Latumeten, Sekretaris. Segera setelah terbentuknya PERBASI, organisasi ini menggabungkan diri dan menjadi anggota KOI serta FIBA. Namun demikian, dengan terbentuknya PERBASI, tidak berarti bahwa perjuangan bangsa Indonesia untuk membina dan mengembangkan permainan Bola Basket di tanah air menjadi ringan. Tantangan yang paling menonjol datang dari masyarakat Cina din Indonesia yang mendirikan Bon Bola Basket sendiri, dan tidak mau bergabung dengan PERBASI.
Untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut, pada tahun 1955 PERBASI menyelenggarakan Konferensi Bola Basket di Bandung yang dihadiri oleh utusan dari Yogyakarta, Semarang, Jakarta dan Bandung.
Keputusan yang paling terpenting dalam Konferensi tersebut ialah PERBASI merupakan satu-satunya organisasi induk olahraga Bola Basket di Indonesia, sehingga tidak ada lagi sebutan Bon Bola Basket Cina dan lain sebagainya. Pada kesempatan itu juga dibicarakan persiapan menghadapi penyelenggaraan kongres yang pertama.
Kongres-kongres PERBASI yang telah diselenggarakan sejak berdirinya tahun 1951 sampai akhir tahun 1983 sebagai berikut :
Kongres ke - I : Tahun 1957 di Semarang
Kongres ke - II : Tahun 1959 di Malang
Kongres ke - III : Yang sedianya akan dilangsungkan tahun 1961 di
Manado, dibatalkan.
Kongres ke - IV : Tahun 1967 di Jakarta
Kongres ke - V : Tahun 1969 di Surabaya
Kongres ke - VI : Tahun 1974 di Surabaya
Kongres ke - VII : Tahun 1977 di Jakarta (bersamaan dengan PON IX).
Kongres ke – VIII : Tahun 1981 di Jakarta (bersamaan dengan PON X).

Sejak didirikan tahun 1951, PERBASI telah banyak melakukan kegiatan yang sifatnya nasional, regional dan internaisonal, baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Dalam melaksanakan pembinaan organisasi, PERBASI menganut sistem vertikal berjenjang, yang dimulai dari tingkat perkumpulan, PERBASI Cabang, Pengurus Daerah PERBASI, sampai kepada Pengurus Besar PERBASI.
Di bidang pembinaan, PERBASI mengenal berbagai cara. Selain pertandingan-pertandingan dilakukan melalui jenjang organisasi vertikal, juga dikenal adanya Kejuaraan Nasional Bola Basket Antar Perkumpulan. Disamping itu, sebagai realisasi daripada keputusan Kongres PERBASI ke VIII Tahun 1981, maka mulai tahun 1982 dilaksanakan Kompetisi Bola Basket Utama yang diikuti perkumpulan terkemuka di Pulau Jawa. Berbeda dengan kegiatan-kegiatan lain, Kompetisi ini dianggap sebagai awal pembaharuan dalam pembinaan Bola Basket Indonesia, karena dalam pelaksanaannya mengambil jalan pintas, tanpa mengikuti jalur vertikal. Hal ini langsung ditujukan pada peningkatan prestasi melalui cara yang dinilai paling cepat yakni dengan pembinaan latihan serta pertandingan yang teratur dan terus menerus sepanjang waktu.


Arti Lambang
1. Warna dasar biru laut. Di tengahnya tercantum lukisan sebuah obor, olahragawan dan olahragawati yang sedang memasukkan bola ke keranjang yang dilingkari setangkai padi dan setangkai kapas.
2. Tangkai padi berwarna kuning terdiri dari 23 butir yang berarti tanggal 23. Tangkai kapas berwarna putih, terdiri dari 10 buah berarti bulan 10. Sedangkan batang obor berwarna kuning dengan nyala api 5 lima sila dari Pancasila dan berarti tahun 51. Dengan demikian bahwa PERBASI didirkan pada tanggal 23 10 1951 atas dasar Pancasila.
3. Arti keseluruhan dari lambang PERBASI tersebut ialah bahwa atas dasar kesetiaan terhadap masyarakat dan bangsa dengan semangat yang berkobar, olahragawan dan olahragawati Indonesia bertekad menjunjung tinggi nama bangsa dan negara untuk mencapai kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran Indonesia.